
Integrated in an application

To use django-sluggable we will provide a basic application in this section.

Consider having the following

# users/

class User(models.Model):
    username = models.CharField(max_length=150)

Now you want urls like /users/<username> but also keeping your SEO when a specific user is changing his username: we want a permanent redirection between the old username and the new one.

In, we will define a decider model which will store all usernames:

# users/
from sluggable.models import Slug

class UserSlug(Slug):
    class Meta:
        abstract = False

In the case of our User class the slug is basically the username of the user, so we will change the type of the username field.

# users/
from sluggable.fields import SluggableField

class User(models.Model):
    username = SluggableField(decider=UserSlug)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.username

Now you have your sluggable model, let’s play with the API, by adding our first member in the console:

In [1]: from users.models import User, UserSlug
In [2]: user = User.objects.create(username="thoas")

When you are creating a new User it will also create a linked model by using the contenttypes framework of Django:

In [3]: user_slug = UserSlug.objects.get(slug="thoas")
In [4]: user_slug.redirect

With this UserSlug you can now track every username changes by your users.

Remember your first created user right? We will change its username:

In [5]: user.username = 'oleiade'
In [6]:

You new username is now your primary username and you will be able to provide a permanent redirection between the old one and new one:

In [7]: user_slug = UserSlug.objects.get(slug="oleiade")
In [8]: user_slug.redirect
In [9]: old_slug = UserSlug.objects.get(slug="thoas")
In [10]: old_slug.redirect

If you are accessing an old slug, you can also retrieve the current one at any time:

In [11]: old_slug.current
<Slug thoas for oleiade>

If you do not have a Slug instance, no problem you can use the default manager for that:

In [12]: Slug.objects.get_current(user)
<Slug oleiade for oleiade>

Work with class-based views

Now you know how to manipulate your users, we will add real world examples in an real application.

Let’s begin with the file.

In this section, we will only use Class-based views so if you are not familiar with them, go check them they are awesome:

# users/
from django.views import generic

from users.models import User

class UserDetailView(generic.Detail):
    model = UserSlug
    context_object_name = 'slug'
    slug_field = 'username'
    template_name = 'users/detail.html'

# users/
from users import views

urlpatterns = patterns('',

So we have defined a pretty standard view to show an user with its username, so boring duh?

The interesting part is the redirection provided by django-sluggable, let’s rewrite UserDetailView.get:

# users/
from django.views import generic
from django.shorcuts import redirect

from users.models import User

class UserDetailView(generic.Detail):
    model = UserSlug
    context_object_name = 'user'
    slug_field = 'username'
    template_name = 'users/detail.html'

    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        obj = self.get_object()

        # The slug retrieved is a redirection to a new one
        if obj.redirect:

            # Retrieve the current slug used
            current = obj.current

            return redirect('user_detail', username=current.slug)

        # Retrieve the real object affected to the slug
        self.object = obj.content_object

        context = self.get_context_data(object=self.object)

        return self.render_to_response(context)

Wait? UserDetailView.get is big.

Let’s rewrite it with django-multiurl to dispatch our slug management between multiple views.

With this new method, we don’t have to rewrite UserDetailView.get anymore:

# users/

from django.views import generic

from users.models import User, UserSlug

class UserDetailView(generic.Detail):
    model = User
    context_object_name = 'slug'
    slug_field = 'username'
    template_name = 'users/detail.html'

class UserRedirectView(generic.RedirectView):
    permanent = True

    def get_redirect_url(self, username):
        slug = get_object_or_404(UserSlug.objects.filter(redirect=True), slug=username)

        return reverse('user_detail', args=(slug.current.slug,))

But we have to rewrite our file to use django-multiurl:

# users/

from multiurl import multiurl, ContinueResolving

from django.http import Http404

from users import views

urlpatterns = patterns('',
        catch = (Http404, ContinueResolving)

Hidden features

How know if the slug has changed?:

In [1]: user = User.objects.create(username="thoas")
In [2]: user.slug_changed
In [3]: user.slug = 'oleiade'
In [4]: user.slug_changed

How to know if a slug is available or not?:

In [1]: user = User.objects.create(username="thoas")
In [2]: UserSlug.objects.is_slug_available('thoas')
In [3]: user.slug = 'oleiade'
In [4]:
In [5]: UserSlug.objects.is_slug_available('thoas')

If you are providing an optional obj parameter which has the slug:

In [6]: UserSlug.objects.is_slug_available('thoas', obj=user)

Restore previous slug and remove redirections:

In [7]: UserSlug.objects.update_slug(user, 'thoas', erase_redirects=True)

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